best vietnamese food in singapore - review

 In areas where cassava (Manihot esculenta) is grown, a variety of mainly cassava-based dishes are eaten, which are made up of many national and ethnic specialties. As a food factor, cassava root is very similar to potato, it is high in starch and has a bland taste when cooked. vietnamese food in singapore There are many similarities between cassava and potatoes, making the former a worthy substitute for the latter in dishes where the importance of the potato is not particularly overstated. Cassava can be organized with a similar approach to potatoes.

It can be boiled, mashed, fried or baked. However, unlike potatoes, cassava is often a tropical plant, and its common characteristics have spawned several precise recipes, along with sweet puddings that share no common potato model. Cassava leaves are also cooked and eaten as a vegetable in some regions (mainly in Africa, Indonesia in Southeast Asian countries, and the Philippines).

Raw cassava is predominantly acidic, contains cyanogenic glycosides, and is generally cooked prior to consumption, or the toxic components in cassava are reduced to those suitable for human use. It must be converted into a potent intermediate using a series of techniques that help bring it to a safe level for consumption. Typical methods in West Africa, especially in America, include peeling, mashing, fermentation, sun-drying and roasting. increase. Famous intermediates obtained from the processing of cassava tubers include gari, tapioca and cassava flour. Many Caribbean islands process cassava flour directly into round flatbreads known as cassava or "cassava bread".

Among the various novelties is a full-length hat made from cassava flatbread suitable for human consumption.Cuba Cassava is a staple of Cuban cuisine. It is cooked with Casabe bread as a side dish - boiled, with raw onion earrings and hot garlic olive oil. It is also boiled and then sliced ​​and fried to make yuca frita (like French fries).

Yuca is also one of the main ingredients in a traditional Cuban stew called asiaco, along with potatoes, malanga, boniato (sweet potatoes), plantains, name, corn, and various vegetables. A neighborhood version of traditional Spanish fritters (similar to French beignets), Cuban buñuelos are made with cassava and sweet potatoes instead of flour. continue reading


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